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Pal Fort FortHeight : 1302
Type : Hill forts Fort Range : Pal-Yawal, Satpuda
District : Jalgaon Grade : Easy
Pal is a hill station in Khandesh region of Maharashtra and also has a guest house of the forest department which is located in the fort permise. The main purpose of this fort was to protect the trade route passing through the Satpuda mountain range. In a single day the forts of Pal, Yawal, Rasalpur Sarai can be visited.

The entrance of this fort is still standing in good condition and has been painted by the forest officials. Behind the forest guest house there is a bastion of the fort which is in a bad condition.
Fascinating Spots :
Ways To Reach :
      Bhusawal is the largest town near Pal and is also a railway junction. Bhisawal - Yawal distance is 49 kms.
Accommodation Facility :
Available in forest guest house but has to be pre booked.
Food Facility :
Available in the guest house
Drinking Water Facility :
Available in the guest house
Best Season To Visit :
      All round the year